New charities + Stopping death-by-pregnancy

Our talk this Tuesday touches on several seemingly disparate topics but I promise you it will all make sense.

Jenna has just begun an internship with Family Empowerment Media (FEM), a new kid on the block recently incubated by the supercool EA-aligned org Charity Entrepreneurship. FEM is basically trying to reduce the 89,000 deaths caused by complications related to unintended pregnancies in LMICs (low and middle income countries) by broadcasting radio campaigns that’ll bust some myths about contraception and encourage family planning.

When she’s not scratching her head over the best symbolic/​visual representation for “modern contraceptive methods” for FEM’s social media, Jenna has been learning about the effectiveness of radio and TV campaigns, the dire sitch around pregnancy in LMICs, how new charities spring up, and ways for us to help—even in our comfy Canberran homes with a 10-hour timezone difference from everyone else on the team.

Jenna would also appreciate any feedback you might have as she hones her novice skills in infographic design! So please come along, take a break & eat some dinner (we don’t mind if you eat during these events, whether visibly or behind-camera), and join us for chats if you like