Guest Speaker Event: “Artificial Intelligence and Human Enhancement: Can AI Technologies Make Us More (Artificially) Intelligent?”

Prof. Sven Nyholm—Chair for Ethics of Artificial Intelligence at LMU—will introduce you to the conflict of AI technologies posing both a potential for cognitive enhancement and a danger to the development of human intelligence. The talk will be followed by questions from the audience.

The event takes place on 30.01.2024, from 19:00 to 21:00, at TUM central campus. Sign up here to secure a spot: https://​​​​Got9E1FCNV8kqanz6

Short Abstract: Many think of AI technologies as a form of cognitive enhancement. But could they also make us less intelligent? The worry is that if we hand over too many intelligence-requiring tasks, we have fewer chances to train our own intelligence. Together with Prof. Nyholm, we explore enhancements and dangers on the level of individuals and of groups.

Find more information on the sign-up form: https://​​​​Got9E1FCNV8kqanz6

The event is hosted by Philosophia Munich https://​​ and we’re warmly invited!