Weekend retreat for up to 50 people interested in Effective Altruism (both old and new community members) to learn, connect and collaborate
primarily for people from the South of Germany. Note that we have two sister events in January: One near Hannover for North & West Germany and one in Berlin for East Germany.
Content: 2.5 days filled with talks, workshops, meetups and plenty of time for 1-1 conversations and socialising
20.-22. January (from Friday ~4pm until Sunday ~3pm, arriving late or leaving early is fine) at DJH Hanover International (to be confirmed).
Costs (incl. accommodation and vegan food) covered by EA Germany, travel subsidies available if needed
COVID policy: All attendees need to be fully vaccinated and self-tested before arrival.
Purpose: We want to provide a space for participants to
connect with like-minded people from their city and region and find advisors, collaborators and friends
share ideas, discuss and make progress on their plans to do more good (through their careers, volunteering or donations)
EA Content
We will invite a few experts to cover some of the most pressing problems to help inform participants considering entering those fields. Participants are encouraged to contribute content.
You can suggest specific content in the application form – we will do our best to make it possible.
There will be structured content such as talks & workshops and unstructured, informal discussions and 1-1 conversations). Here’s some content from past retreats to get an impression.
All sessions are optional. If you feel like you are not learning or contributing to a session, you are always free to do something else.
Space to relax and connect
During the afternoon breaks and in the evenings, there will be space for fun activities, to relax and get to know each other on a more personal level – feel free to contribute content unrelated to Effective Altruism.
For whom?
We expect this retreat to be most beneficial for people who:
Are familiar with the basics of EA
If you are very new to EA, we recommend you first check out some of the online resources (effectivealtruism.org and 80000hours.org) and if you can, visit a local or virtual EA event first. If you’re unsure, please err on the side of applying!
Share the Guiding Principles of EA: Commitment to Help Others, Scientific Mindset, Openness, Integrity, Collaborative Spirit
Understand and speak English (no need to be perfect, though!)
Live in the North or West of Germany. If you live in South or East Germany, we recommend you have a look at our sister events near Sigmaringen and Berlin.
Participants do not need to:
Know everything & everyone (this might be particularly valuable if you’re not yet well-connected in the EA community)
Already work in EA cause areas, or even know what you would like to work on (this can be particularly helpful if you’re undecided about your career & life plans)
Speak German (everyone speaks English)
Give a talk/workshop (program contributions are encouraged but not required)
The EA community benefits from a diversity of backgrounds and beliefs, so non-German speakers and people from underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.
North & West Germany EA Retreat
Weekend retreat for up to 50 people interested in Effective Altruism (both old and new community members) to learn, connect and collaborate
primarily for people from the South of Germany. Note that we have two sister events in January: One near Hannover for North & West Germany and one in Berlin for East Germany.
Content: 2.5 days filled with talks, workshops, meetups and plenty of time for 1-1 conversations and socialising
20.-22. January (from Friday ~4pm until Sunday ~3pm, arriving late or leaving early is fine) at DJH Hanover International (to be confirmed).
Costs (incl. accommodation and vegan food) covered by EA Germany, travel subsidies available if needed
COVID policy: All attendees need to be fully vaccinated and self-tested before arrival.
Purpose: We want to provide a space for participants to
connect with like-minded people from their city and region and find advisors, collaborators and friends
share ideas, discuss and make progress on their plans to do more good (through their careers, volunteering or donations)
EA Content
We will invite a few experts to cover some of the most pressing problems to help inform participants considering entering those fields. Participants are encouraged to contribute content.
You can suggest specific content in the application form – we will do our best to make it possible.
There will be structured content such as talks & workshops and unstructured, informal discussions and 1-1 conversations). Here’s some content from past retreats to get an impression.
All sessions are optional. If you feel like you are not learning or contributing to a session, you are always free to do something else.
Space to relax and connect
During the afternoon breaks and in the evenings, there will be space for fun activities, to relax and get to know each other on a more personal level – feel free to contribute content unrelated to Effective Altruism.
For whom?
We expect this retreat to be most beneficial for people who:
Are familiar with the basics of EA
If you are very new to EA, we recommend you first check out some of the online resources (effectivealtruism.org and 80000hours.org) and if you can, visit a local or virtual EA event first. If you’re unsure, please err on the side of applying!
Share the Guiding Principles of EA: Commitment to Help Others, Scientific Mindset, Openness, Integrity, Collaborative Spirit
Understand and speak English (no need to be perfect, though!)
Live in the North or West of Germany. If you live in South or East Germany, we recommend you have a look at our sister events near Sigmaringen and Berlin.
Participants do not need to:
Know everything & everyone (this might be particularly valuable if you’re not yet well-connected in the EA community)
Already work in EA cause areas, or even know what you would like to work on (this can be particularly helpful if you’re undecided about your career & life plans)
Speak German (everyone speaks English)
Give a talk/workshop (program contributions are encouraged but not required)
The EA community benefits from a diversity of backgrounds and beliefs, so non-German speakers and people from underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.
Apply here
(Deadline 14th December, same application form for all three retreats)
Limited capacity. Late applications can only be considered if we have spots left.
Unsure if you can attend? Apply anyway and mention your uncertainty in the form.
Uncertain whether you would benefit from this? Questions? Don’t hesitate to email us!
Moritz Lomann (EA Hamburg), M.Lohmann@gmx.net
Moritz Hoffmann (EA Lübeck), moritz.hoffmann@posteo.de
Felix Scheling (EA Tübingen)
With support from:
Yannick Mühlhauser (EA Tübingen), Y.Muehlhaeuser@gmail.com
Sarah Tegeler (EA Germany), sarah.tegeler@effektiveraltruismus.de