Lessons on localizing effective altruism in lower-middle income countries (LMIC): the Philippine experience

This event is part of the EAGxPrague Online Talks series.

In her talk, Tanya will be discussing EA Philippines’ experience in building the effective altruism community in a lower-middle income country and share lessons learned and general advice on how to thrive in your local context.

Nastassja Quijano: Tanya has worked in the development sector focused on alleviating poverty and improving the quality of life of those in the vulnerable sector. She is currently the co-founder and part-time community builder of EA Philippines. Tanya leads EA Philippines’ local charity effectiveness research project, facilitates discussions, and does some career mentoring for community members. She also works full-time as a senior program officer working on policy development at the Australian Embassy in the Philippines. She has been working in the public sector for almost 8 years, including being an independent monitoring and evaluation specialist and the head executive assistant for the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).

Register here: https://​​us02web.zoom.us/​​meeting/​​register/​​tZYsc-uuqD0jHtOB6ttL2mjj086x47cpkD5z