Having a standard word-of-mouth goal

In addition to having the standard goal of donating 10% of your income, it seems to me that it could be useful to create an equivalent along the lines of “introducing 5 proto-EAs to EA each year” (proto-EAs being people who are likely to be interested in EA if they heard about it). This could be in the form of having a long conversation about what EA is, getting them to check out the 80,000 Hours website, lending them a copy of The Precipice, persuading them to apply to an intro fellowship, or similar.

Like donating, this is an accessible way for people in “non-altruistic” jobs to have an impact without demanding too much time or resources, and explicitly prompting people to do this in casual conversation (as opposed to feeling like pursuing this theory of change implies being an official community builder) seems valuable. Personally, I used to not talk about EA much in casual conversation with non-EAs because I thought people would think it was weird or boring, but after having my arm twisted into doing it a few times, I’ve gotten some very positive responses and I wish I had been more strongly encouraged to do this sooner. Having some sort of explicit goal of this kind (carrying the implication that other EAs talk to others outside the community about EA frequently and often get positive responses) would have probably prompted me to do it.

Does making this a “thing” seem like a worthwhile idea to others? If so, is there an organization that could propagate it and turn something like this into a similarly popular and standard goal for people to aim for?

Possibly worth noting: 5 is a completely arbitrary number and anywhere from 1-20 seems reasonable to me depending on people’s level of extroversion.