Casual Veggie Dim Sum (Manhattan—please register)


Register here to attend: https://​​​​march24dimsum


All are welcome!
Cost per meal: variable, likely $25-$30
If you’d like to attend but have any concerns, please get in touch with Alex (

Join for an EA NYC community favorite: tasty and affordable vegan dim sum! Location will be confirmed when your attendance is confirmed. All are welcome to join (regardless of whether or not you wish to eat)! For those eating, food usually ranges from $25-$30 each for a feast.

Since this is indoors, please be mindful of any potential flu/​illness symptoms and our COVID policy (listed below).

Registration: https://​​​​march24dimsum


EA NYC: Please find all EA NYC event information—including our Code of Conduct, food policy, covid policy, and information on past and future events—here on our website: https://​​​​events

You can also find us on Facebook, Meetup, and Eventbrite! http://​​​​groups/​​eanyc/​​events https://​​​​effective-altruism-nyc/​​events/​​ https://​​​​o/​​effective-altruism-nyc-55938838923

For those new to effective altruism, here are a couple of good introductions. In short, EA is about using evidence to carefully analyze how, given limited resources, we can help others the *most*. https://​​​​watch?v=48VAQtGmfWY