Bi-Weekly Meetup: Cambist Booking

When: 5:00-7:30 pm
Where: Beeminder’s (Daniel Reeves’s) House at 3246 NE 57th Ave, Portland, OR 97213

This event is for general socialization, and also running a game called Cambist Booking. If you’re familiar with the Slate Star Codex post Everything Is Commensurable, or the short story The Cambist and Lord Iron, then this game should sound somewhat familiar to you. It works like this:

  1. Each person will get a some cards with things you might want on them.

  2. You’ll go around asking other people what their cards are, and deciding how to compare the two values – is a sportscar worth more or less than a year’s vacation? Is an hour long massage worth more or less than a new album by your favourite band? We’ll pass out the cards at the start, keeping some in reserve for new arrivals, and spend the time talking about what we value and why.

  3. In the end we discuss everyone’s Cambist Record, reflect why some things are worth more than others, see if there are a series of trades that would leave one worse off (Dutch Booking), and explore what it means to exchange very disparate things.

More Information about this game, rules, objectives, and variations.

This is a Bi-Weekly PEAR Meetup, where we talk about recent posts on EA, ACX, LessWrong or do some other interesting activity. We often meet at Daniel Reeves’ house and have tea, snacks, and some vegan pizza with anywhere from 6-12 people. Please feel free to come, even if, like many of us, you feel awkward about it, feel that you’re not the typical rationalist or effective altruist, are completely new to either community, or worry that people won’t like you, etc.

Lead: Sam at 513-432-3310
Support: Lukas at 503-812-5740