With the upcoming publication of What We Owe the Future, there has been a lot of coverage of longtermism and Effective Altruism in the mainstream press right now, including:
Consider sending one of these links to a friend (or two or three) who you might be interested in Effective Altruism or longtermism.
Then, if they seem interested, offer to buy them a copy of What We Owe the Future! You could make your offer conditional on them finishing or starting the book if you’d like.
Undergrad students right now seem particularly well-suited for this. However, anyone can (and should!) do this, and can be done at other times too. If you’re an undergrad, most of your friends are probably young and impressionable, but may not have heard of EA or longtermism yet. And given the (perhaps unfortunate) ephemeral nature of the news, now seems like a good time to send someone an article or podcast.
Undergrads, Consider Messaging Your Friends About Longtermism or EA Right Now
With the upcoming publication of What We Owe the Future, there has been a lot of coverage of longtermism and Effective Altruism in the mainstream press right now, including:
In the New York Times, The Case for Longtermism by Will MacAskill
A profile of Will MacAskill in the New Yorker by Gideon Lewis-Kraus: The Reluctant Prophet of Effective Altruism
Podcast: Will MacAskill on the Tim Ferriss Show
Podcast: Ezra Klein interviewing Will MacAskill on the Ezra Klein Show: Three Sentences That Could Change the World — and Your Life
A recap of the history of EA in Vox by Dylan Matthews: How effective altruism went from a niche movement to a billion-dollar force
Consider sending one of these links to a friend (or two or three) who you might be interested in Effective Altruism or longtermism.
Then, if they seem interested, offer to buy them a copy of What We Owe the Future! You could make your offer conditional on them finishing or starting the book if you’d like.
Undergrad students right now seem particularly well-suited for this. However, anyone can (and should!) do this, and can be done at other times too. If you’re an undergrad, most of your friends are probably young and impressionable, but may not have heard of EA or longtermism yet. And given the (perhaps unfortunate) ephemeral nature of the news, now seems like a good time to send someone an article or podcast.
This post was inspired by: A Forum Post Can Be Short, EA as Nerdsniping