I just saw this sickening article today [1][2]. One would think OpenAI would know better, but no. Exploitation by the rich continue to happen all the time.
More than receiving donations, poor people could be paid well for the work they already do, and by extension help economy of their countries.
During moments like this it makes you wonder is the system itself not broken?
One of the solutions could be for EA to make extra effort to 1) hire people in developing countries, and 2) to pay well there. There is also an opportunity to make hiring easier and transparent in foreign countries like providing a service for EA organizations. There could be a norm for searching every possible opportunity to send well paid salaries to developing countries instead of well off people bubbles in western countries or extra rich places like OpenAI’s Silicon Valley. Possibly it can be an effort area of EA.
Time and time again rich people exploit the poor
I just saw this sickening article today [1] [2]. One would think OpenAI would know better, but no. Exploitation by the rich continue to happen all the time.
More than receiving donations, poor people could be paid well for the work they already do, and by extension help economy of their countries.
During moments like this it makes you wonder is the system itself not broken?
One of the solutions could be for EA to make extra effort to 1) hire people in developing countries, and 2) to pay well there. There is also an opportunity to make hiring easier and transparent in foreign countries like providing a service for EA organizations. There could be a norm for searching every possible opportunity to send well paid salaries to developing countries instead of well off people bubbles in western countries or extra rich places like OpenAI’s Silicon Valley. Possibly it can be an effort area of EA.
Vice article “OpenAI Used Kenyan Workers Making $2 and Hour to Filter Traumatic Content from ChatGPT” https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxn3kw/openai-used-kenyan-workers-making-dollar2-an-hour-to-filter-traumatic-content-from-chatgpt
Time article “Exclusive: OpenAI Used Kenyan Workers on Less Than $2 Per Hour to Make ChatGPT Less Toxic” https://time.com/6247678/openai-chatgpt-kenya-workers/