Embarking on a Journey of Reflection: Seeking Insights and Feedback

Hi everyone,

I find myself at a bit of a crossroads in life, where the external pressures of work have receded, and I now have the unique opportunity to focus inward for the first time in years. With a significant amount of free time ahead, I’ve decided to embark on a journey of deep reflection—one that feels both necessary and, if I’m being honest, a little overwhelming.

The purpose of this journey is still somewhat vague to me, but I feel a pull towards uncovering the core values that truly drive me—those elusive, inner motivations that I’ve often struggled to put into words. It’s been on my mind for a long time, but in the past, I haven’t really set aside the time or space to fully engage with the process. Now, I hope to take this opportunity to do so.

I know that concretizing values isn’t something that can be rushed or neatly packaged. It feels more like an unfolding, rather than a destination I can quickly arrive at. Part of my hesitation has come from the discomfort of confronting how abstract and challenging this process really is. At times, it even feels a bit unsettling. Still, I sense that this is important—perhaps even crucial—to how I want to shape my future, both personally and professionally.

My goal is to reflect deeply on the values that matter most to me, using this year as a space to explore without rushing to conclusions. I want to find the kind of purpose that resonates with my core, beyond just rational decision-making. In doing so, I hope to better align my inner motivations with the kind of work and life path I pursue, especially as I explore roles within the Effective Altruism community.

That said, I’m very much aware that I can’t do this in isolation. I’d greatly appreciate any feedback, reflections, or even challenges that could help illuminate blind spots in my thinking. This is a new approach for me, and I’m open to learning from those who have gone through similar reflective journeys or have experience in navigating such uncertain terrain.

Has anyone here found themselves in a similar position—trying to identify or solidify their values in a way that aligns with deeper motivations? How did you approach it, and were there specific practices or questions that helped you gain clarity?

Thank you for reading, and I look forward to any thoughts or advice you may have.
