[Question] If you had an hour with a political leader, what would you focus on?

I’m not in the political field myself, but I have a close relationship with someone who has a close relationship with a number of fairly influential people in American politics. It has happened in the past that I have been able to talk (briefly) with some of them, and it is possible I may get similar opportunities in the near future. If that happens (which is no guarantee), it seems worthwhile to use the opportunity to make a case for one or two specific, not-likely-to-be-controversial policies which may not otherwise be on their radar. I’m a relative newcomer to EA, and I’d love to know which EA-related policy proposals are likely to have the largest marginal impact, especially considering I would have very limited time to make their case. Note again that I will not consider arguing for policies which could be significantly controversial, as I don’t want to ruin my connection’s ability to arrange such things in the future.