[Question] Is anyone working on a comparative COVID-19 policy response dataset?

I’m researching the impact that political and economic country characteristics have on government responses to pandemics - both in terms of 1) degree of adherence to non-pharmaceutical WHO recommendations (or something similar), and 2) speed of response. I’d like to create a standardized COVID-19 response score or index for that which could be similar to the Global Health Security Index. What comes to my mind is to code for the following …what am I missing? And (because why duplicate efforts) is anyone aware of someone that is already doing this?

1. Tests per thousand

2. Lockdown measures (scale 1-10)

3. Closures of non-essential businesses (scale of 1-10)

4. Stay at home/​shelter in place orders (scale of 1-10)

5. Declaration of national emergency

6. Time between first confirmed case of covid-19 and implementation of measures 2-5

For anyone interested in collaborating, I can share a much more nuanced project outline.