I am new here, so apologise if I have deviated from the conventions or something. I am a first year student at UTAS in Australia. I am currently majoring in Data Science, and I am curious if anyone knows any good internships/graduate programs I can do over summer/when I finish my degree. I am currently focusing on building career capital (as Benjamin Todd says in the 80,000 hours book, it is better to do build yourself up now so in ten years you can do an immense amount of good, rather than doing feel-good projects at non-profits with limited benefits in the short-term), so I want to get something clouty. I am doing well in my studies (6.75 GPA on a 7 scale last semester. A little lower this semester as I had to learn programming, but I am currently aiming for a High Distinction finish), and I want to get a masters degree at somewhere clouty as well (currently thinking about the 1 year Applied Masters of Data Science at Monash. It’s one of the top universities in Australia, but you only need CR average to attend, so it’s something I could realistically do. It also is only 2 years part time and online, and also highly flexible, whereas other Australian universities are 1.5 or 2 years for the same thing). If I have a LinkedIn page that says ‘Data Engineer at Deloitte (or some other top company. I will be applying to the Big 4 and doing the virtual work experience programs etc., but other recommendations will be listened to)’, ‘Master’s degree at Monash’, ‘5+ years work experience (or however many I have at that time)’, I will have built a good foundation for the future, and then I could go into earning to give, or something better if an opportunity comes my way. Fundamentally I want to build myself up though, as this means I can do more good for both myself, and it means I have more options meaning I can do more good in the future. For further context, I am 19 years old, and I have dual citizenship for Great Britain, however data scientists get paid more in Australia from what I know, so will not move without reasons. Any ideas what I should be doing?
Thank you
P.S. It is too late for applying for internships for the end of this year, as it finishes in about a week, but I have things I can do this summer so it’s not a disaster. I am mostly writing so I can prepare for next year/ the future.
[Question] Things I can do that are somewhat useful.
I am new here, so apologise if I have deviated from the conventions or something. I am a first year student at UTAS in Australia. I am currently majoring in Data Science, and I am curious if anyone knows any good internships/graduate programs I can do over summer/when I finish my degree. I am currently focusing on building career capital (as Benjamin Todd says in the 80,000 hours book, it is better to do build yourself up now so in ten years you can do an immense amount of good, rather than doing feel-good projects at non-profits with limited benefits in the short-term), so I want to get something clouty. I am doing well in my studies (6.75 GPA on a 7 scale last semester. A little lower this semester as I had to learn programming, but I am currently aiming for a High Distinction finish), and I want to get a masters degree at somewhere clouty as well (currently thinking about the 1 year Applied Masters of Data Science at Monash. It’s one of the top universities in Australia, but you only need CR average to attend, so it’s something I could realistically do. It also is only 2 years part time and online, and also highly flexible, whereas other Australian universities are 1.5 or 2 years for the same thing). If I have a LinkedIn page that says ‘Data Engineer at Deloitte (or some other top company. I will be applying to the Big 4 and doing the virtual work experience programs etc., but other recommendations will be listened to)’, ‘Master’s degree at Monash’, ‘5+ years work experience (or however many I have at that time)’, I will have built a good foundation for the future, and then I could go into earning to give, or something better if an opportunity comes my way. Fundamentally I want to build myself up though, as this means I can do more good for both myself, and it means I have more options meaning I can do more good in the future. For further context, I am 19 years old, and I have dual citizenship for Great Britain, however data scientists get paid more in Australia from what I know, so will not move without reasons. Any ideas what I should be doing?
Thank you
P.S. It is too late for applying for internships for the end of this year, as it finishes in about a week, but I have things I can do this summer so it’s not a disaster. I am mostly writing so I can prepare for next year/ the future.