Meetup : July Munich Meetup

Discussion article for the meetup : July Munich Meetup

WHEN: 04 July 2015 02:00:00PM (+0200)

WHERE: 48°09′54.6“N 11°33′07.2”E

(See also Facebook event in https://​​​​groups/​​702982546486730/​​)

The Munich Effective Altruism group is having its first regular meetup! On Saturday, July 4, we’ll meet for an introductory picnic in case of good weather, and for lunch in a café otherwise. If you bring food (anything vegetarian/​vegan is a safe bet) or a blanket, you’re awesome.

The idea is to hear other effective altruists’ stories, discuss what we would like future meetups to be like, define responsibilities, and chat about everything effective altruism. Bring your own ideas! :) It goes without saying that newcomers are very welcome.

I’ll bring my copy of Singer’s “The Most Good You Can Do”, which I hope I will have read by then.

Time and date: 2 pm, July 4, probably until 4 pm or so Good weather location: Olympiapark, 48.166538, 11.551907, near the top of the hill. https://​​​​yQ5fg8 To make it easier to find, I’ll also be at the Tollwood main entrance, Spiridon-Louis-Ring, at 1:55 pm Bad weather location: Café Puck, Türkenstraße 33

If you’re unsure where we are, you can reach me via the number given in the Facebook event.

See you there! :D

Discussion article for the meetup : July Munich Meetup