Quick PSA: 8000hours.org (not 80000hours.org) is a malicious scam site

Just what the title says: 8000hours.org is a malicious scam/​​phishing site. If you mean to go to 80000hours.org and come across something strange/​​confusing, be aware and take care to keep yourself safe. (EDIT: And maybe think twice about going to the scam site yourself; one user contacted me to say that their browser had autocompleted information into its fields.)

I’ve accidentally gone to this site instead of 80000hours.org a few times over the past year, and each time it’s been a different scam, so it seems to change hands/​​tactics frequently. Some of them were convincing enough that I’m worried they’d catch an unwary user.

I’ve notified 80K about this; this post isn’t meant to be a complaint or criticism about them, just to make others aware of the danger. That said, people from other orgs reading this might do well to think about what other domains close to their own someone might use to prey on their users, and what they might do to pre-emptively prevent this.