[Question] CEA “serious incident report”?

CNBC reported on 30/​11/​22 that the Centre for Effective Altruism had filed a ‘“serious incident report” tied to “the collapse of FTX”’ with the Charity Commission for England and Wales. It says reasons for this could include ‘the “loss of your charity’s money or assets” or “harm to your charity’s work or reputation”’. Here is more information about serious incident reporting.

I have not seen any comment about this from CEA or anywhere else. Whilst the FTX fallout is serious, I wasn’t aware of clear direct implications for CEA, so this seems like new information. Readers of the Forum may be donors to CEA and CEA is still soliciting donations through its website, so I think it’s important to get a clear public picture of any problems. Clarifying that there is no problem relevant for the public would also be helpful if that’s the case. Does anybody have knowledge about this that they could share?