Everyone who is curious about Effective Altruism in general, or in our local group is welcome to join :)
We will meet in front of the city library and meet outside (alternative for bad wather is in the Lobby of the library; you can recognise us via the EA “heart lightbulb” Logos we will be wearing).
We’ll sit down at a café or go for a walk and discuss all the altruism related topics that are on our mind.
As an initial topic, Mart will introduce the idea of “fuzzies and utilons”
EA Ulm—open meeting
Everyone who is curious about Effective Altruism in general, or in our local group is welcome to join :)
We will meet in front of the city library and meet outside (alternative for bad wather is in the Lobby of the library; you can recognise us via the EA “heart lightbulb” Logos we will be wearing).
We’ll sit down at a café or go for a walk and discuss all the altruism related topics that are on our mind. As an initial topic, Mart will introduce the idea of “fuzzies and utilons”
See you on Saturday!