Q&A with Yonatan Cale (Effective Developers)
Yonatan Cale is a professional software engineer who runs Effective Developers. He coaches other software engineers to have more impact with their career and also coaches them on how to get better at their job and gaining more:https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/.../i-m-offering-free...
Furthermore, he writes other inspiring posts as the following: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/.../software...
We will have an Online-Q&A with Yonatan where you can ask everything you want to know. You can add questions now or during the Q&A here: https://app.sli.do/event/4nE2AhFqu3BbWttoWAP318/
The Q&A will probably take max. one hour. Afterwards, we can also meet up in person in Karlsruhe for some ice cream or a drink
You can add questions now or during the event here: https://app.sli.do/event/4nE2AhFqu3BbWttoWAP318/