Ozy Brennan is a long-time participant in effective altruism who has a blog called Thing of Things. (It was formerly a WordPress blog but Ozy began blogging on Substack in 2021.) I’ve always appreciated posts about effective altruism from Things of Things because of Ozy’s relatively unique perspective having:
lived in conservative areas in the United States but also more liberal places like the San Francisco Bay Area.
been someone in the rationality community and social justice movements in addition to effective altruism.
worked professionally as a researcher on wild animal welfare for 6 years but has also followed literature in development economics and long-termism as well.
This understanding of different worldviews both within and outside of EA has lent itself to Ozy presenting different parts of EA to a broad cross-section of readers, and to present the priorities of other worldviews to the EA community in more legible ways. Here is a sample of some of Ozy’s posts about EA on Thing of Things:
EA Blog Recommendation: Thing of Things, by Ozy Brennan
Ozy Brennan is a long-time participant in effective altruism who has a blog called Thing of Things. (It was formerly a WordPress blog but Ozy began blogging on Substack in 2021.) I’ve always appreciated posts about effective altruism from Things of Things because of Ozy’s relatively unique perspective having:
lived in conservative areas in the United States but also more liberal places like the San Francisco Bay Area.
been someone in the rationality community and social justice movements in addition to effective altruism.
worked professionally as a researcher on wild animal welfare for 6 years but has also followed literature in development economics and long-termism as well.
This understanding of different worldviews both within and outside of EA has lent itself to Ozy presenting different parts of EA to a broad cross-section of readers, and to present the priorities of other worldviews to the EA community in more legible ways. Here is a sample of some of Ozy’s posts about EA on Thing of Things:
The Best Product of the EA Movement Is the EA Movement:
Cause X, the hinge of history , and empiricism
Five Books Influential On How I Think About Global Poverty:
Creating Capabilities, Seeing Like a State, The White Man’s Burden, Poor Economics, and Why Nations Fail
Career Advice for the Everyday Effective Altruist:
Some ideas for normal people
EA Dedicates:
A relevant distinction for effective altruists
What Is It Like For Animals To Suffer
Like us, probably
Be sure to check it out!