Save the dates: 2021 EA conferences

Despite the challenges posed by COVID, the CEA events team welcomed over 4,000 attendees to our virtual events in 2020. Attendees made an average of 4.5 new connections.

With vaccination programs underway in many countries, you might be wondering what the 2021 events calendar will look like for the effective altruism community, and when we can see each other again. Although our plans for the year are still being developed, I’m excited to tell you about two events you can add to your calendar.

EA Global: Reconnect (20-21 March)

We hope you’ll join us for a big virtual gathering of active community members and those who have been active in the past. This event will focus on deep discussion and meaningful connection, with sessions limited to a few hours of top-quality content. It will be a great opportunity for you to meet new people and reconnect with contacts you haven’t spoken to for a while. Applications will open in mid-February.

EA Global: London 2021 (29-31 October)

We’ve pushed the London conference — originally advertised for April — back to October, to give us a better chance of gathering in person. If all goes well, we’ll be back at our 2019 venue (The Brewery) for a weekend of new connections, new ideas, and reunions with old friends. We plan to open applications later in the year, once we know how many people we can safely accommodate.

Other events

Make sure you join the Effective Altruism Online Events group on Facebook, or the International EA Events Google calendar, for notifications about the wide range of online events hosted by community members. There are also a number of Fellowships starting soon. You can learn more about those on the new Virtual EA Programs platform.

We’d also be excited to hear from community members who are interested in running an in-person EAGx conference in the second half of the year. We’ll be publishing more details about the application process for organizers in the coming days. If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact us at

We can’t wait to welcome you back to an event soon!