Based on these articles and discussions on this forum, the following timeline can be constructed:
1. SBF promised Will MacAskill that he would make a donation (source: New Yorker article, date of promise is unknown, but based on the wording it seems to have been before this year) 2. In November 2021, CEA committed funding for the purchase Wytham Abbey (source: ) 3. SBF appoints EVF board of trustee members Will MacAskill and Nick Beckstead to the FTX Future Fund’s leadership team, along with 3 other people. (mentioned in both the New Yorker and Forbes articles, official announcement is made February 28,2022 4. In March 2022, the FTX Future Fund donated $13.9 million to CEA and millions more to other EVF organizations. Total donations to Will MacAskill’s organizations total to over a quarter of grants paid out by the FTX Future Fund as of June 2022. (source: Forbes article) 5. In April 2022 EVF (formerly CEA) purchase of Wytham Abbey is finalized (mentioned in New Yorker article, verified in ClaireZabel’s comment from #2)
Am I missing something, or wasn’t there a blatant conflict of interest regarding self-dealing here? Two out of five members of the FTX Future Fund team were also on the board of EVF (including the CEO), and then EVF-affiliated organizations (including some also headed by MacAskill) ended up receiving millions from the FTX Future Fund!
Moreover, did CEA/EVF leadership make the decision to purchase Wytham Abbey because they knew they’d be getting enough money from FTX to make up for the cost? ClaireZabel’s comment says that the purchase was funded by a grant and that no money from FTX was used, but is there any actual evidence of this? If the money didn’t come from FTX then where did it come from? And why wasn’t it finalized before CEA/EVF received money from the FTX Future Fund?
Isn’t this a conflict of interest and self-dealing on the part of CEA/EVF leadership?
For some background, these articles will be referenced:
Based on these articles and discussions on this forum, the following timeline can be constructed:
1. SBF promised Will MacAskill that he would make a donation (source: New Yorker article, date of promise is unknown, but based on the wording it seems to have been before this year)
2. In November 2021, CEA committed funding for the purchase Wytham Abbey (source: )
3. SBF appoints EVF board of trustee members Will MacAskill and Nick Beckstead to the FTX Future Fund’s leadership team, along with 3 other people. (mentioned in both the New Yorker and Forbes articles, official announcement is made February 28,2022
4. In March 2022, the FTX Future Fund donated $13.9 million to CEA and millions more to other EVF organizations. Total donations to Will MacAskill’s organizations total to over a quarter of grants paid out by the FTX Future Fund as of June 2022. (source: Forbes article)
5. In April 2022 EVF (formerly CEA) purchase of Wytham Abbey is finalized (mentioned in New Yorker article, verified in ClaireZabel’s comment from #2)
Am I missing something, or wasn’t there a blatant conflict of interest regarding self-dealing here? Two out of five members of the FTX Future Fund team were also on the board of EVF (including the CEO), and then EVF-affiliated organizations (including some also headed by MacAskill) ended up receiving millions from the FTX Future Fund!
Moreover, did CEA/EVF leadership make the decision to purchase Wytham Abbey because they knew they’d be getting enough money from FTX to make up for the cost? ClaireZabel’s comment says that the purchase was funded by a grant and that no money from FTX was used, but is there any actual evidence of this? If the money didn’t come from FTX then where did it come from? And why wasn’t it finalized before CEA/EVF received money from the FTX Future Fund?