The Letten Prize—An opportunity for young EA researchers?


Are you a young researcher who conducts research aimed at addressing global challenges within the fields of health, development, environment and equality in all aspects of human life?

Or do you know of someone who might fit this description?

If so, you/​they can apply for The Letten Prize.

Prize money at 2,5 MNOK (~235 000 USD).

Interested? View the criteria for applying here:

* I’ve been involved with the EA community since 2017, eg. established EA Oslo and served on the board of EA Norway.
* I am currently working freelance for The Young Academy of Norway, as well as serving on the board of the Letten Foundation. This research prize are a result of a collaboration by the two parties. I see why this may be seen as “spam”. However, I truly believe that we have several great candidates within our community who could contend for the prize.
* I will serve as the secretary of the prize committee, but have no influence on the committees decision.