CEA Disambiguation

In 2011 effective altruists in Oxford had two main organizations: Giving What We Can and 80,000 Hours. They wanted to incorporate, and created the Centre for Effective Altruism as an umbrella organization to host them: [1]

Over time they started running other projects: conferences, supporting local groups, the EA forum, community health, etc. There was effectively a ā€œCEAā€ community-focused organization within the ā€œCEAā€ umbrella organization:

This was pretty confusing: when someone said ā€œCEAā€ did they mean the organization focused on the EA community (ā€œCEA runs EA Globalā€) or the umbrella organization (ā€œ80k is part of CEAā€)? This got even more confusing as there started to be more organizations and projects:

In September 2022 the umbrella organization renamed itself to the Effective Ventures Foundation:

Unfortunately the announcement wasnā€™t very clear about what specifically was changing, and a lot of people are still confused about when to say ā€œCEAā€ and when to say ā€œEVā€. Hopefully this history and the diagrams clear things up a bit!

[EDIT: changed ā€˜EVFā€™ to ā€˜EVā€™; Shakeel says they prefer the latter.]

[1] This is also the origin of using effective altruism to refer to the movement.

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