Discussion Group Meetup: Mental health as a neglected cause area

This month’s discussion is focused on mental health. EA has historically focused on physical health and related metrics, rather than on subjective wellbeing. Does this need to change, and if so, how?

Some prompts to think about:

  • To what extent should we prioritise increasing happiness/​mental health vs improving material conditions?

  • e.g. is it better to address the root causes of suffering, or do high levels of mental illness in developed countries suggest the problem is unlikely to resolve?

  • What are the best, most cost-effective, or most interesting mental health interventions we’re aware of?

  • Does anyone have knowledge of the NZ situation around funding, resources, systemic failures, and if there are any levers we can pull?


Problem Area Report: mental health (approx 4 minutes)
WHO ‘menu’ of cost-effective interventions, interesting to take a look through

LOCATION: Lim Chhour food court on K Road

We meet every month to discuss topics relating to effective altruism and get to know each other better. We consider importance, neglectedness, and tractability to look for underrated opportunities to make the world a better place, and then we support each other in pursuing those opportunities. We plan for the long term: building, not burnout.

OPEN TO ALL: Our group is open to people from all stages and walks of life including working professionals, students, retirees, and any other people interested in effective altruism are warmly invited to attend.

We strive to ensure a diverse set of voices are heard, and we emphasise that women and non-binary people, tangata whenua and other people of colour, and people of all religions, belief systems, and political perspectives are welcome at our meetings.

TIME: Don’t worry if you can’t make it on time. It’s fine to turn up late.

READ UP: Discussion goes better when you come informed. At the same time, if you don’t get a chance to read up, we’d rather you still come along than not!