Researchers Answering Questions

I used a recent Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) of Rethink Priorities to ask a series of questions about research in general (not limited to Rethink Priorities).

I’m posting these here severally to make them more visible. I’m not personally looking for more answers at this point, but if you think that readers would benefit from another perspective, I’d be delighted if you could add it.

(Photo by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash.)

[Question] How do you ap­proach hard prob­lems?

[Question] How do you bal­ance read­ing and think­ing?

[Question] How to work with self-con­scious­ness?

[Question] How to get up to speed on a new field of re­search?

[Question] How do you stay emo­tion­ally mo­ti­vated while work­ing on highly spe­cific prob­lems?