Intro to biosecurity

The main topic is here: Biosecurity

⚠️ Please note that this sequence is a beta sequence. If you have feedback on it, please contact us or message Lizka.

Why ex­perts are ter­rified of a hu­man-made pan­demic — and what we can do to stop it

Map of Biose­cu­rity Interventions

A Biose­cu­rity and Biorisk Read­ing+ List

Con­crete Biose­cu­rity Pro­jects (some of which could be big)

Kevin Esvelt: Miti­gat­ing catas­trophic biorisks

Carl Shul­man — En­vi­sion­ing a world im­mune to global catas­trophic biolog­i­cal risks

List of Lists of Con­crete Biose­cu­rity Pro­ject Ideas

COVID: How did we do? How can we know?