Human impacts on animals

This is a series of posts investigating how human activity, especially food production, affects animals, especially wild animals, at a large scale.

It will largely cover ground overlapping heavily with Brian Tomasik’s articles on the topic, but includes my own semi-independent impressions, more in-depth investigation in a few directions, some updated literature reviews. Furthermore, it won’t be specifically suffering-focused, and instead more agnostic.

A good place to start is How Does Vegetarianism Impact Wild-Animal Suffering? by Brian Tomasik, which summarizes and references his other articles on the topic, and provides a broad overview of potential impacts.

The re­spon­sive­ness of aquatic an­i­mal supply

Sus­tain­able fish­ing policy in­creases fish­ing, and de­mand re­duc­tions might, too

The moral am­bi­guity of fish­ing on wild aquatic an­i­mal populations

Fish­ing-aqua­cul­ture sub­sti­tu­tion and aquafeeds

Which an­i­mals are most af­fected by fish­ing?

The scale of an­i­mal agriculture

Brian To­masik on cli­mate change

Find­ing bugs in GiveWell’s top charities

Changes in con­di­tions are a pri­ori bad for av­er­age an­i­mal welfare

Hedg­ing against deep and moral uncertainty