Impact Markets

Impact markets are our attempt to transfer the benefits of startup equity to the nonprofit space – including seed investment, employee participation, price discovery, and more.

Alternately, you can think of impact markets as series of nested prize contests.

Our vision is one where there is a separation of concerns between philanthropic funders that research what outcomes the world needs, charities that produce these outcomes as efficiently as possible, and investors who help the charities succeed.

Impact markets are a powerful mechanism to realize this vision. We need to get them just right to harness their power. We invite you to learn more about our plans and weigh in yourself on Discord.

The Retroac­tive Fund­ing Land­scape: In­no­va­tions for Donors and Grantmakers

AI Safety Im­pact Mar­kets: Your Char­ity Eval­u­a­tor for AI Safety

Chain­ing Retroac­tive Fun­ders to Bor­row Against Un­likely Utopias

A Fresh FAQ on GiveWiki and Im­pact Mar­kets Generally

Ex­per­i­ment in Retroac­tive Fund­ing: An EA Fo­rum Prize Contest

Toward Im­pact Markets

Play Re­grantor: Move up to $250,000 to Your Top High-Im­pact Pro­jects!

One form to help us build a crowd­sourced char­ity evaluator