Global Priorities Institute Working Paper Summaries

Here are my summaries of Global Priorities Institute (GPI) Working Papers that the GPI hasn’t already summarized. To my knowledge, no one else has summarized these papers.

Sum­mary: In Defence of Fa­nat­i­cism (Hay­den Wilk­in­son)

Sum­mary: Against Anti-Fa­nat­i­cism (Chris­tian Tarsney)

Sum­mary: Max­i­mal Clue­less­ness (An­dreas Mo­gensen)

Sum­mary: Tiny Prob­a­bil­ities and the Value of the Far Fu­ture (Pe­tra Koso­nen)

Sum­mary: Longter­mism, Ag­gre­ga­tion, and Catas­trophic Risk (Emma J. Cur­ran)

Sum­mary: Train­ing Effec­tive Altru­ism (Mehmood et al.)

Sum­mary: Against the Sin­gu­lar­ity Hy­poth­e­sis (David Thorstad)

Sum­mary: Mis­takes in the Mo­ral Math­e­mat­ics of Ex­is­ten­tial Risk (David Thorstad)

Sum­mary: Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Failure: The Hid­den Face Of The Tragedy Of The Com­mons (Philippe Colo)