Inside the Mind of an Aspiring Charity Entrepreneur [Follow Along]

Join us on our journey as two eager beavers diving headfirst into the nonprofit world! We’re both green to this scene, but we’re determined to make a big impact and contribute to saving the world from certain evil misaligned AI corporations.

Buckle your seatbelts for the adventure in the wild world of charity entrepreneurship – understand our thought processes, witness our challenges, cheer our victories, and be inspired as we all strive to do the most good with our limited resources:

From Lay­off to Co-found­ing in a Breath­tak­ing Two Months

How to Get More Im­por­tant Things Done with the Eisen­hower [Effort] Matrix

[Question] Fis­cal spon­sor­ship, ops sup­port, or in­cu­ba­tion?

Craft­ing Our Mis­sion State­ment: Weighted Fac­tor Models, Shal­low Re­search, and Les­sons Learned for Clar­ity and Impact

Numer­i­cal Break­down of 47 1-on-1s as an EAG First-Timer (Go­ing All Out Strat­egy)

Con­fes­sions of a Re­cent GWWC Pledger (Box­ing Day Giv­ing?!)

In­tro­duc­ing StakeOut.AI