Com­pas­sion in World Farming

TagLast edit: Aug 20, 2022, 7:50 PM by Leo

Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) is an organization that campaigns to end factory farming.


CIWF activities include engaging in political campaigning to encode animal welfare protections into law; working with companies to improve welfare standards for farmed animals; and engaging in outreach efforts to reduce consumption of animal products.


Most evaluations of CIWF have focused on Compassion in World Farming USA (CIWF USA, or Compassion USA), the US branch of CIWF.

Animal Charity Evaluators considers CIFW USA “an excellent giving opportunity because of their strong programs focused on improving the welfare of animals in the U.S.”[1] CIFW USA is also recommended by Founders Pledge as “one of the most cost-effective animal advocacy organisations in the world.”[2]

As of August 2022, Open Philanthropy has granted over $14.7 million to CIFW[3] and over $3.2 million to CIFW USA.[4] Both organizations have also received comparatively small donations from Effective Altruism Funds.[5][6][7]

Further reading

Animal Charity Evaluators (2021) Compassion In World Farming USA, Animal Charity Evaluators, November.

Clare, Stephen (2020) Compassion in World Farming USA, Founders Pledge, November 3.

External links

Compassion in World Farming. Official website.

Apply for a job.

Donate to Compassion in World Farming.

  1. ^

    Animal Charity Evaluators (2021) Compassion In World Farming USA, Animal Charity Evaluators, November.

  2. ^

    Clare, Stephen (2020) Compassion in World Farming USA, Founders Pledge, November 3.

  3. ^

    Open Philanthropy (2022) Grants database: Compassion in World Farming, Open Philanthropy.

  4. ^

    Open Philanthropy (2022) Grants database: Compassion in World Farming USA, Open Philanthropy.

  5. ^

    Animal Welfare Fund (2017) November 2017: Animal Welfare Fund grants, Effective Altruism Funds.

  6. ^

    Animal Welfare Fund (2017) April 2017: Animal Welfare Fund grants, Effective Altruism Funds, April.

  7. ^

    Animal Welfare Fund (2019) July 2019: Animal Welfare Fund grants, Effective Altruism Funds, July.

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