David Chalmers

TagLast edit: Mar 31, 2022, 5:53 PM by Pablo

David John Chalmers (born 20 April 1966) is an Australian philosopher.

Further reading

Azhar, Azeem (2022) The meaning of life in the metaverse (with David Chalmers), Azeem Azhar’s Exponential View, March 23.

Perry, Lucas (2022) David Chalmers on Reality+: Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy, Future of Life Institute, January 26.

Sosis, Clifford (2016) David Chalmers, What is it like to be a philosopher?, September 28.
Extended interview, with an emphasis on Chalmers’s early life.

Wiblin, Robert, Arden Koehler & Keiran Harris (2019) David Chalmers on the nature and ethics of consciousness, 80,000 Hours, December 16.
Wide-ranging, four-hour-long interview.

External links

David Chalmers. Official website.

Related entries

consciousness research | intelligence explosion | philosophy of mind | sentience

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