TagLast edit: May 4, 2022, 7:39 PM by Pablo

THINK (The High Impact Network) was an early effective altruist organization. It launched in August 2012.[1]


During its first two years or so, the organization had a volunteer network of around 25 people from the effective altruism and rationality communities, with a presence on about a dozen US college campuses. Kelsey Piper was an early member. Afterward, activity declined, and the chapters were transferred to LEAN.[2]

Further reading

Arnold, Raymond (2012) The High Impact Network (THINK) - Launching now, LessWrong, August 7.

External links

THINK. Official website, archived from the original.

Related entries

history of effective altruism

  1. ^

    Arnold, Raymond (2012) The High Impact Network (THINK) - Launching now, LessWrong, August 7.

  2. ^

    Mark Lee, private communication.


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