Abdurrahman Alshanqeeti

Karma: 88

My name is Abdurrahman (Pronounced Abdur-Rahman). I live across multiple identities, ethnicities, nationalities, cultures, worldviews, and geographies.

I completed my studies in Management Information Systems (MIS) and graduated with honors, ranking second in my class in 2021. I’ve worked for +5 years in commercial digital marketing roles. However, over the past couple of years, I’ve shifted focus to creating independent training programs in career development, offering courses, workshops, and 1-1 sessions.

I have diverse intellectual and philosophical interests.

Currently, my primary concern revolves around exploring the concept of ultimate reality and the truth of existence. This encompasses various fields such as metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of religion, with a particular focus on Islamic Philosophy & Theology. I’m also highly influenced by eastern spiritualities like Zen Buddhism and Taoism. Furthermore, I am deeply invested in addressing the practical question of how to lead a meaningful life and optimize well-being on individual, societal, and global scales.

In­tro­duc­ing EA in Arabic

Abdurrahman Alshanqeeti4 Apr 2024 15:09 UTC
75 points
8 comments4 min readEA link