This is an account that the Forum Team and associated people use to post events.
Group Organizer
Karma: 580
Hi and welcome! :) Yes, the weekly socials are open to anyone. If you have specific questions, I recommend contacting the group organizers directly, as they are more likely to respond via email or Facebook.
Sure thing—I just assigned you as an organizer to the group. You should have access to edit the group’s info and events.
We have a contractor who cross-posts EA events from Facebook and Meetup. If you’d prefer to manage your group’s events yourself, we can ask the contractor to skip your group.
Thanks, fixed!
Yeah I think it needs to match a location on Google Maps. I updated the address/location so hopefully it’s correct now—you should also be able to edit the event location yourself if it’s still wrong.
LessWrong doesn’t have this event cross-posting. Possibly it’s less relevant for their site than the EA Forum.