Jens Aslaug

Karma: 77

Studying final year of dentistry in Lithuania with the intention of doing earning to give (most likely in Denmark), but currently evaluating if this was the right choice (due to limited earning potential and options for doing good). If I continue this path, I expect to donate minimally 50 % (aiming for 65-70%) or 40.000-60.000 $ annually (at the beginning of my career). While I do expect to mainly do “giving now”, I do expect, in periods of limited effective donating opportunities, to do “investing to give”.

As a longtermist and total utilitarian (for the most part), finding the cause that increases utilities (no matter the time or type of sentient being) the most time/​cost-effectively is my goal. In the pursuit of this goal, I so far care mostly about WAW (wild animal welfare), x-risk and s-risk (but feel free to change my mind).

I heard about EA for the first time in 2018 in relation to an animal rights organization I worked for part-time (Animal Alliance in Denmark). However I have only had minimal interactions with EAs.

Due to reading and my time working at Animal Alliance etc., I’m relatively knowledgeable in the following areas: effective communication, investing (stocks) and personal development.

Male, 23 years old and diagnosed with aspergers (ASD) and dyslexia.