Jing Fan

Karma: 5

Admittedly, I am very new to the EA community, so I am still figuring out with how to utilise EA principles to improve the world in my own life. One of my priorities right now is to learn as much about EA as I can and connect with the community more which is why I decided to apply for EA global (despite my inexperience)

Before joining EA, I was an advocate for many movements, especially certain pollical movements, swayed by my personal passions. Ever since learning about EA, my approach to improving the world has become more logical and less emotionally attached as I began to look into reasoning and evidence to support certain causes.

I believe that for most people, you will make the most impact to the world through your career. I also believe in earning to give but I would ideally like to find a career path where I can help out a significant cause as well as use my earnings to help out other causes. To pursue this, I very recently quit my job being a data analyst for an insurance company to apply for companies such as Cochlear and Resmed which I believe have high impact in neglected areas.

I am also a streamer on Twitch with a small following. After being involved with EA, I realised the potential impact I can make with my platform as I am able to reach more number of people and area people from across the globe. I have previously ran a fundraiser for Project Hope (raising over $1000) but I intend on doing more for high impact charities. I have planned a 24 hour stream next week for Malaria Consortium and one for Helen Keller International next month.

Lastly, I believe its in our best interest to not only improve suffering and mortality rates but also increase the happiness of people. I believe EA has an underrated focus on mental health as it is a highly significant and neglected area, although not as tractable as some issues like poverty. Through out my career and lifetime, I would like to help improve the mental wellbeing of people in this world.

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