I am working on non-profit to help animals in another country and create a small sanctuary for them.
Hi, I am working on a non profit to help animals in another country by creating a sanctuary for them. I already know how to setup a corporation, convert it to a non profit, and operate it with a board of directors. For this project, I will be opening a US non-profit and using funds to help animals in other countries.
I am looking for additional guides on how to establish a non-profit organization in another country and wanted to know if there is anything different about running a US non profit that does work in another country and if the process is any different when operating only in the US.
Hi! I am Jen Wilson. I am working on non-profit to help animals in another country and create a small sanctuary for them. I am here to know if anyone can guide me on laws or guidelines on the difference of running a non-profit in the US and in other country.
does giving sibling mean giving somethin g to each other?