An economist and entrepreneur with wealth of experience in management, operations, research, business development & marketing, fundraising and communication across for- profit ,nonprofit and effective altruism community activities for many years
An altruist and animal advocate with the passion and drive to partner EA community movement and make the world a better and safer place for human , nonhuman and plant to live in.
Fellow , EA Virtual introductory Program,2022. Fellow , Animal Advocacy Career,introductory course (AAC),2022 Student ,In-dept EA VP,2022.
Volunteer Lagos ,Nigeria
volunteer with humane league
Volunteer with The Humane League’s Fast Action Network(FAN)
Volunteer with Mercy for Animals
Volunteer with Impactcolabs
Volunteer with Allfed
volunteers with Animal Advocacy Africa(AAA)
working daily to improve my career path tremendously in effective altruism for longtermism �
1.Animal welfare in Nigeria
2.Climate change in Nigeria/west Africa effects and longtermism --------------in View