
Karma: 228

Hello! This is my pseudonymous account… Why?
1) I’m serious considering a public-facing career, and am worried about something random I write on here coming back and biting me.

2) Two facts: I know a lot of people in EA. I care too much about other people’s opinions of me.

2a) I’m not a confident writer. I want to feel more confident about my writing before I let people knowingly read it.
2b) I’ve noticed cleverness-related imposter syndrome make hesitate to voice disagreement with conventional EA ideas. At the same time, another part of me thinks my ideas might have value and self-censorship can be really dangerous. Using a pseudonymous account makes me feel more free to say countercultural things.

Finally, I love and support the EA movement! I remember when I was new, and I went on a walk with two EAs for the first time in person. I wanted to enthuse about EA but they mainly moaned about it. This made small Marzhin feel a little disappointed, and I don’t want that to happen to other people. Because this is my anonymous account it’s a little criticism-focused, but I want to make clear that the movement has my support overall :D

Post-FTX re­flec­tions from a ran­dom EA

MarzhinMar 16, 2024, 5:07 PM
7 points
0 comments4 min readEA link