Hello everyone, pleased to be here; I am new to EA. My goal here is to recap what I’ve learned from EA’s website/public-discourse and share how, what I call, Hyper-Abundant Systems (HAS) can solve virtually all EA concerns simultaneously. I will introduce my proposal/invention as well as give other references.
So what I’m learning is that EA desires to focus on putting global problems into true perspective; and enact the most impactful goals as objectively as possible. In particular, it is focused on the actual total suffering per area of interest vs popularized/sensationalized ideas with emphasis on topics such as pandemics, animal welfare, generalized long term futures, and in particular, AI. These are incredible, loving goals of which my intention to help bring the people together to unify upon exponentially more effortlessly.
So what are HAS and how does it lead towards unified efforts? They are systems that can plausible scale to shift societal paradigms including the entire wealth distribution ultra-disruptively; if we need a metric, we can say by 33%+ within 50 years. Let us fantasize with extremes, because it makes things playfully clear. Perhaps the most fantastical example would be free energy machine. Of course, with it, we can imagine time and resources for collective self actualization as well as collaboration for an utopian planet-by-design.
We could easily create culinary dishes that are healthy, great for environment, and match any meat dish via much more regenerative, cruelty free vegan ingredients; spending time with animal whisperer’s till the depth is undeniable. We would have so much time, we could focus on optimally combined complementary health regimens such as O2/H2 therapies, cocktails of immundomodulating adaptogens/nutracueticals, etc that could easily boost the global population to be 30% more resilient towards covid, heavy metals, and a whole host of underrated diseases. And of course, we would be in not just caring, but extremely deeply intimate discussions about AI the iterative develop of it measured against metrics such as GNH and emergent metrics including SQ (transcendent psychology), EQ, etc.
My system (Omega 6) is not quite free energy, but it is hyper-abundant with an stable ROI of 200%+ and $30B SOM (expandable to limitless). It works by what the regenerative movement is popularizing as circular economic systems or industrial ecologies in which systems support each other by inter-sharing resources and byproducts just as nature has done. My core tech submitted in this last round is biomass reactor that produces electricity so cheap at <$.02/kWh, it can allow independent researchers a 3x competitive advantage over hyperscaler AI.
The top core technologies that allow this include: 1) Microgrids powerplants (pyrolysis bioreactors) using frugral tech 2) Attached biorefineries that use downstream products for multiproducts like petroleum refineries but that are more “alive” due to low temps—biochar, engineered lumber adhesives, CO2/heat (for algae ponds or greenhouses onsite), “waste” heat for funneled-draft-cooling of data centers; such an inclusion of nature and tech working in synergy is, to me, the key to a truely abundant world through regeneration—healing the world while becoming holistically rich!
Pioneers include Michael Smith of the Green Power House, Brittany Zimmerman of Yummet, and me and my alliances of Omega S. Honorable mentions include ThorCon, all OTEC efforts, solar thermal updraft towers, etc.
I must run soon, and more posts later, but I do want to say that hyper-abundant systems are also very unifying. From public discourse, I am seeing one of the great pain points of EA is public perception that they are siloed, fanatical philosophies or entitled elitists—ironically. But as Ken Wilber’s integral theories and Gaia’s/Agora’s model of the human superorganism, every perspective is important and the faster we can put them to be convergently helpful vs opposing, the fast we will be to some iteration of utopia.
The main block, subconsciously is fear of the trans-rational. It is basically fear driven hyper-rationality vs courageous love. And poetically speaking, love is abundant and providing. So a hyper-abundant system allows people to feel safe in their bodies enough to have more self-actualized discussions from survival fears up towards functional-rational all the way up towards their “higher selves”.
So again, through fantastical analogy.. imagine we have my power plant running during the day and kids can feed the wood into the hopper laughing and planting veggies with biochar after while the eco-tour parents watch them. Because of the 200%+ ROI, the place is hyper-abundantly decorated with gorgeous gardens—placing our feminine energies at ease with a pathway to a dinner party hosted by EA and other global-solutionists. The masculine energy is thus also less argumentative in this 3rd space of simple conversation and watching our loved ones enjoy.
As it turns dark, the room is warmly lit by the $.02/kWh powerplants with presentations on things we can all agree on as the founation and the food served is omega 3 rich microalgae from our farms worked into michelin star dishes. Soul-driven art and music calms our senses while jacuzzi’s with hydrogen water intended to heal invite people in to discuss our differences. There are open outdoors seats around fires as well with mediation-discussions. All of this, again, can only be afforded by hyper-abundant systems that allow calming, welcome 3rd spaces that truly care—far away from any perception of some rich academic-elist party of which EA is brusquely criticized sometimes.
Having such a designer place simply leaves no room for divisive thoughts; by ambiance, it makes it very obvious that everyone of all classes and backgrounds are invited to open as human creatures and sense with their hearts. And, yes, this vision takes wealth/money the right kind.. where the foundation is rooted in safety and then love.. starting things like shared dreams of taking and giving back to the earth with love.. systems strong enough to support love and survival with flare. It touches the core that we are sensitive human beings of truth deep down and that’s easy and that’s all we need to be.
All the rational ideas of inclusion of traditions, cultures, mediations of discussion, shared traumas, and the how’s are solved by just having a loved 3rd space of abundance. And that is why I support hyper-abundant systems. You can google the other names mentioned. My website is www.solquatica.com. Thanks for your read.
[Question] Hyper-Abundant Systems
Hello everyone, pleased to be here; I am new to EA. My goal here is to recap what I’ve learned from EA’s website/public-discourse and share how, what I call, Hyper-Abundant Systems (HAS) can solve virtually all EA concerns simultaneously. I will introduce my proposal/invention as well as give other references.
So what I’m learning is that EA desires to focus on putting global problems into true perspective; and enact the most impactful goals as objectively as possible. In particular, it is focused on the actual total suffering per area of interest vs popularized/sensationalized ideas with emphasis on topics such as pandemics, animal welfare, generalized long term futures, and in particular, AI. These are incredible, loving goals of which my intention to help bring the people together to unify upon exponentially more effortlessly.
So what are HAS and how does it lead towards unified efforts? They are systems that can plausible scale to shift societal paradigms including the entire wealth distribution ultra-disruptively; if we need a metric, we can say by 33%+ within 50 years. Let us fantasize with extremes, because it makes things playfully clear. Perhaps the most fantastical example would be free energy machine. Of course, with it, we can imagine time and resources for collective self actualization as well as collaboration for an utopian planet-by-design.
We could easily create culinary dishes that are healthy, great for environment, and match any meat dish via much more regenerative, cruelty free vegan ingredients; spending time with animal whisperer’s till the depth is undeniable. We would have so much time, we could focus on optimally combined complementary health regimens such as O2/H2 therapies, cocktails of immundomodulating adaptogens/nutracueticals, etc that could easily boost the global population to be 30% more resilient towards covid, heavy metals, and a whole host of underrated diseases. And of course, we would be in not just caring, but extremely deeply intimate discussions about AI the iterative develop of it measured against metrics such as GNH and emergent metrics including SQ (transcendent psychology), EQ, etc.
My system (Omega 6) is not quite free energy, but it is hyper-abundant with an stable ROI of 200%+ and $30B SOM (expandable to limitless). It works by what the regenerative movement is popularizing as circular economic systems or industrial ecologies in which systems support each other by inter-sharing resources and byproducts just as nature has done. My core tech submitted in this last round is biomass reactor that produces electricity so cheap at <$.02/kWh, it can allow independent researchers a 3x competitive advantage over hyperscaler AI.
The top core technologies that allow this include: 1) Microgrids powerplants (pyrolysis bioreactors) using frugral tech 2) Attached biorefineries that use downstream products for multiproducts like petroleum refineries but that are more “alive” due to low temps—biochar, engineered lumber adhesives, CO2/heat (for algae ponds or greenhouses onsite), “waste” heat for funneled-draft-cooling of data centers; such an inclusion of nature and tech working in synergy is, to me, the key to a truely abundant world through regeneration—healing the world while becoming holistically rich!
Pioneers include Michael Smith of the Green Power House, Brittany Zimmerman of Yummet, and me and my alliances of Omega S. Honorable mentions include ThorCon, all OTEC efforts, solar thermal updraft towers, etc.
I must run soon, and more posts later, but I do want to say that hyper-abundant systems are also very unifying. From public discourse, I am seeing one of the great pain points of EA is public perception that they are siloed, fanatical philosophies or entitled elitists—ironically. But as Ken Wilber’s integral theories and Gaia’s/Agora’s model of the human superorganism, every perspective is important and the faster we can put them to be convergently helpful vs opposing, the fast we will be to some iteration of utopia.
The main block, subconsciously is fear of the trans-rational. It is basically fear driven hyper-rationality vs courageous love. And poetically speaking, love is abundant and providing. So a hyper-abundant system allows people to feel safe in their bodies enough to have more self-actualized discussions from survival fears up towards functional-rational all the way up towards their “higher selves”.
So again, through fantastical analogy.. imagine we have my power plant running during the day and kids can feed the wood into the hopper laughing and planting veggies with biochar after while the eco-tour parents watch them. Because of the 200%+ ROI, the place is hyper-abundantly decorated with gorgeous gardens—placing our feminine energies at ease with a pathway to a dinner party hosted by EA and other global-solutionists. The masculine energy is thus also less argumentative in this 3rd space of simple conversation and watching our loved ones enjoy.
As it turns dark, the room is warmly lit by the $.02/kWh powerplants with presentations on things we can all agree on as the founation and the food served is omega 3 rich microalgae from our farms worked into michelin star dishes. Soul-driven art and music calms our senses while jacuzzi’s with hydrogen water intended to heal invite people in to discuss our differences. There are open outdoors seats around fires as well with mediation-discussions. All of this, again, can only be afforded by hyper-abundant systems that allow calming, welcome 3rd spaces that truly care—far away from any perception of some rich academic-elist party of which EA is brusquely criticized sometimes.
Having such a designer place simply leaves no room for divisive thoughts; by ambiance, it makes it very obvious that everyone of all classes and backgrounds are invited to open as human creatures and sense with their hearts. And, yes, this vision takes wealth/money the right kind.. where the foundation is rooted in safety and then love.. starting things like shared dreams of taking and giving back to the earth with love.. systems strong enough to support love and survival with flare. It touches the core that we are sensitive human beings of truth deep down and that’s easy and that’s all we need to be.
All the rational ideas of inclusion of traditions, cultures, mediations of discussion, shared traumas, and the how’s are solved by just having a loved 3rd space of abundance. And that is why I support hyper-abundant systems. You can google the other names mentioned. My website is www.solquatica.com. Thanks for your read.