EAF uses the same software was Less Wrong. Less Wrong is intentionally something like a walled garden but the walls are low enough that people can climb over if they want. The purpose is the maintain high quality discussions. I’m actually kind of avoiding EAF at the moment because there’s so many new people it’s negatively affecting the culture that was here before, which was always different from but somewhat similar to Less Wrong. The weighted voting is a mechanism to help maintain the desired culture and prevent it from regressing to the internet mean. Other forums, like Reddit, are a better fit for discussions where outsiders can more easily jump in. It has costs and benefits either way. EAF has chosen to put up some small barriers to maintain a particular epistemic culture.
EAF uses the same software was Less Wrong. Less Wrong is intentionally something like a walled garden but the walls are low enough that people can climb over if they want. The purpose is the maintain high quality discussions. I’m actually kind of avoiding EAF at the moment because there’s so many new people it’s negatively affecting the culture that was here before, which was always different from but somewhat similar to Less Wrong. The weighted voting is a mechanism to help maintain the desired culture and prevent it from regressing to the internet mean. Other forums, like Reddit, are a better fit for discussions where outsiders can more easily jump in. It has costs and benefits either way. EAF has chosen to put up some small barriers to maintain a particular epistemic culture.