Nope. I do not expect my children to live for 1000s of years, nor am I in the slightest bit worried about AI-induced disemployment, nor Skynet coming alive and killing everyone. There are all kinds of far more likely disaster scenarios I could worry about and don’t, not least because I am deeply aware of how hard these things are to accurately forecast (unlike the median EA, who seemingly just takes a random 10-year-horizon Metaculus output as gospel) and because I have deep faith in the ability of the human race to adopt to novel risks posed by new technologies (as we have done in recent decades with threats as diverse as nuclear war, climate change, and covid). Fear is no way to life your life! Have some faith! Rather I shall say with Haggai that “the glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former”.
Nope. I do not expect my children to live for 1000s of years, nor am I in the slightest bit worried about AI-induced disemployment, nor Skynet coming alive and killing everyone. There are all kinds of far more likely disaster scenarios I could worry about and don’t, not least because I am deeply aware of how hard these things are to accurately forecast (unlike the median EA, who seemingly just takes a random 10-year-horizon Metaculus output as gospel) and because I have deep faith in the ability of the human race to adopt to novel risks posed by new technologies (as we have done in recent decades with threats as diverse as nuclear war, climate change, and covid). Fear is no way to life your life! Have some faith! Rather I shall say with Haggai that “the glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former”.