Upvoted because this comment was on −1 karma, I suspect unfairly given that the FTX Future Fund website says “Please post any questions you might have as public comments here” in lieu of a contact form.
A number of institutions needed entity information. It seemed like this was a blocker for applications.
It’s not really the fault of FTX, but not immediately having this information and having a lot of people ask, might have contributed to the sentiment that lead to the recent posts clarifying FTX’s work.
If you click the name of the UCSC person, this person has two comments, months apart. So presumably their question wasn’t answered.
The first comment has a −5 downvote.
It’s hard to rationalize this, and it’s a bad look. Maybe people didn’t like UC or “normal” non EA people or institutions applying, but it seems unlikely this would be the worst pool of applicants.
Hi FTX Future Fund,
I work at UC Santa Cruz and we recently submitted a proposal for this: https://ftxfuturefund.org/apply/
We need some information about the FTX Foundation in order to set them up as a sponsor in our database.
Could you please provide me with the following?
Some sort of verification of the Foundation’s legal existence
Complete name
Documentation of charitable status
Physical address
Thank you so much!
Kevin Hagedorn
Operations Manager | Office of Sponsored Projects
(831) 459-1574 |
University of California, Santa Cruz
Upvoted because this comment was on −1 karma, I suspect unfairly given that the FTX Future Fund website says “Please post any questions you might have as public comments here” in lieu of a contact form.
(It’s sort of bizarre this was downvoted).
A number of institutions needed entity information. It seemed like this was a blocker for applications.
It’s not really the fault of FTX, but not immediately having this information and having a lot of people ask, might have contributed to the sentiment that lead to the recent posts clarifying FTX’s work.
If you click the name of the UCSC person, this person has two comments, months apart. So presumably their question wasn’t answered.
The first comment has a −5 downvote.
It’s hard to rationalize this, and it’s a bad look. Maybe people didn’t like UC or “normal” non EA people or institutions applying, but it seems unlikely this would be the worst pool of applicants.