Reasonable question! Our work is highly continuous with Open Phil’s work, and our background worldview is very similar. At the moment, we’re experimenting with our open call for proposals (combined with our areas of interest and project ideas) and a regranting program. We’ll probably experiment with prizes this year, too. We’re hoping these things will help us launch some new projects that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.
I also endorse Jonas’s answer that just having more grantmaking capacity in the area will probably be helpful as well.
Reasonable question! Our work is highly continuous with Open Phil’s work, and our background worldview is very similar. At the moment, we’re experimenting with our open call for proposals (combined with our areas of interest and project ideas) and a regranting program. We’ll probably experiment with prizes this year, too. We’re hoping these things will help us launch some new projects that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.
I also endorse Jonas’s answer that just having more grantmaking capacity in the area will probably be helpful as well.