EA Advocates announcement

This post is an announcement of an initiative of the Centre for Effective Altruism called “EA Advocates.”

EA Advocates is a new grassroots rapid response team that will amplify positive coverage of effective altruism and help spread information and ideas. Members will coordinate to execute responses during particular times when they can be unusually effective.

Peter Singer has joined as the first public signatory of EA Advocates. If you choose to join this group, you’re affirming your intention to participate in some simple, but important, actions on social networks and other online settings. Some of these will be as quick as sharing favorable articles, and others may involve writing comments or brief reviews of EA-related publications. Key initiatives that EA Advocates will take actions to support this year include the current release of Peter Singer’s book, Will MacAskill’s book on effective altruism due out later this year, and the EA Global summit.

To join, please provide your information at: http://​​www.effectivealtruism.org/​​advocates
If you have any questions about the group and its plans, you can contact the project’s organizer at the Centre for Effective Altruism, Chris Jenkins (me), at chris@centreforeffectivealtruism.org.