This looks at the tip of the iceberg above the surface but ignores the deeper systems below the surface that Wall Street sits on top of. Namely, Wall Street perpetuates wealth inequality and oftentimes deprives the poor simply by incentivizing the attention economy rather than the altruism economy.
I hate wasting time posting in the comments section, so the TL;DR is that John Doe or Sallie Mae who takes a corporate finance job to “earn to give” perpetuates the very issues they aim to solve with their donations. Lastly, I’ll just echo the most poignant counterpoints I read in the below comments:
“having wealth makes it easier to get more wealth—taking with their left hands, before giving with their right”
“Imagine if Einstein or Michelangelo, may have take up a corporate job to benefit others”
This looks at the tip of the iceberg above the surface but ignores the deeper systems below the surface that Wall Street sits on top of. Namely, Wall Street perpetuates wealth inequality and oftentimes deprives the poor simply by incentivizing the attention economy rather than the altruism economy.
I hate wasting time posting in the comments section, so the TL;DR is that John Doe or Sallie Mae who takes a corporate finance job to “earn to give” perpetuates the very issues they aim to solve with their donations. Lastly, I’ll just echo the most poignant counterpoints I read in the below comments:
“having wealth makes it easier to get more wealth—taking with their left hands, before giving with their right”
“Imagine if Einstein or Michelangelo, may have take up a corporate job to benefit others”