EA Melbourne does a lot of events to enhance the knowledge of people already interested in EA to make them more effective or altruistic, but it’s time to broaden our circle and welcome new people into the community! Join us to have conversations with folks on the street to share why you think effective altruism is important and hopefully your enthusiasm, knowledge and the mostly-intuitive message of EA will strike a chord with them. The committee will bring some materials, but feel free to bring some things that get at the heart of why you practice EA. You can also help us run a mini giving game with the passers by.
Outreach with EA Melbourne
EA Melbourne does a lot of events to enhance the knowledge of people already interested in EA to make them more effective or altruistic, but it’s time to broaden our circle and welcome new people into the community! Join us to have conversations with folks on the street to share why you think effective altruism is important and hopefully your enthusiasm, knowledge and the mostly-intuitive message of EA will strike a chord with them. The committee will bring some materials, but feel free to bring some things that get at the heart of why you practice EA. You can also help us run a mini giving game with the passers by.