Thanks Oscar! I really appreciate you catching that. I’ve revised the post to reflect the more accurate statistics.
With regards to your question, the sources I found seemed to mostly describe adsorption as a relatively simple process—e.g. Nicomel et. al. specifically highlighted “easy operation and handling” as a major advantage of adsorption (and gave that as a reason for why it has been commonly used in the past).
Thanks Oscar! I really appreciate you catching that. I’ve revised the post to reflect the more accurate statistics.
With regards to your question, the sources I found seemed to mostly describe adsorption as a relatively simple process—e.g. Nicomel et. al. specifically highlighted “easy operation and handling” as a major advantage of adsorption (and gave that as a reason for why it has been commonly used in the past).
OK nice, thanks for the prompt changes, especially the new income effects part of the model!