Analyze community/movement/capacity -building in the Industrial Workers of the World in the early 20th century the way we analyze contemporary EA community/movement/capacity -building.
Actionable insights I would expect: My understanding is that the IWW gets a great deal of shapley points for the 8-hour workday. Setting aside any implicit claim that the 8-hour workday increased wellbeing (which would be another project for an evaluator/historian), we ought to marvel at this accomplishment, because it persisted in spite of the first red scare. I expect the calculus formed by their goals, accomplishments, and decline (along with other major actors in the story) holds lessons about how to make your goals persist even if your movement gets hunted down in the end. The movement/community/capacity building connection is just that they sent students unionists across the country to infiltrate universities workplaces bringing information and resources to altruists fellow workers, because doing so was critical to their theory of change. The major difference is, by my understanding, they used songs to recruit and educate, whereas our treasured solstice songs are more internal.
Analyze community/movement/capacity -building in the Industrial Workers of the World in the early 20th century the way we analyze contemporary EA community/movement/capacity -building.
Actionable insights I would expect: My understanding is that the IWW gets a great deal of shapley points for the 8-hour workday. Setting aside any implicit claim that the 8-hour workday increased wellbeing (which would be another project for an evaluator/historian), we ought to marvel at this accomplishment, because it persisted in spite of the first red scare. I expect the calculus formed by their goals, accomplishments, and decline (along with other major actors in the story) holds lessons about how to make your goals persist even if your movement gets hunted down in the end. The movement/community/capacity building connection is just that they sent
studentsunionists across the country to infiltrateuniversitiesworkplaces bringing information and resources toaltruistsfellow workers, because doing so was critical to their theory of change. The major difference is, by my understanding, they used songs to recruit and educate, whereas our treasured solstice songs are more internal.